Trap Invaders
Friday August 25
Our time is largely spent on moths at the moment. We, (Pam) put out two traps almost every night and we go to our group meetings at Natural Surroundings on Tuesdays and at Cley on Thursdays. N.S. is restricted to members, Cley is more open. The latter has a few open meetings every year, aimed at children.
We continue to trap a few good moths at home. This week, our first
Oblique Striped
Rusty-dot Pearl
both of the above are immigrants, and a very worn Peacock
We have many more beetles, in both number and variety of species, in our traps, than either of the group locations. NS has extensive and very varied habitat, so I find that surprising.
Yesterday, we had a species of Click beetle, long and slim with an articulated body. It never sits still, this is the best I could do. According to ObsId it's a Stenagostus rhombeus.
It's also the Shield Bug season. Virtually the only species we get is the Red-legged or Hawthorn Shield Bug. As we have a hawthorn hedge the length of our property, from front to back, that's not surprising.
Canary-shouldered Thorns are one of my favourite moths. To-day, we had one perched on an open sunflower, excellent camouflage.
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