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Error 403

 Monday July 29

I am still getting the following message from Google every time I try to upload a photo to my Blog.

403. That’s an error.

We  are sorry, but you do not have access to this page. That’s all we know.


I've trawled  the internet for a cure but cannot follow the solutions. My IT man is not answering his phone so I've left him an email.

Yesterday was notable for a very early morning message on WhatsApp by David N saying that he'd trapped a mega moth. A photo was published but not the name. David would take it to Cley Visitor Cebtre at 10.30. We were there. Such a beautiful specimen in pristine condition, a new moth for all of us = apart from David. 

I have a photo!

The gremlins have taken over. My PC is refusing to come off underline.



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